Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm trying not to get too excited...

...but there may be a second X-Files movie after all!

According to David Duchovny:

I really am expecting to see a script next week. And Chris has written it with Frank Spotnitz, and Chris will direct it. And Gillian's on board and I'm on board, and that's all I can tell you. I mean, I'm looking forward -- I'm looking forward to seeing what he did.

Realistically, I don't really think this movie is going to happen. But at least now there's more hope! (And yes, this news has caused my inner X-Files nerd to re-emerge with a vengeance. Try not to be too alarmed--I'll be back to detached sarcasm within a day or two.)


renee said...

OMG!! I would LOVE to see Mulder and Scully again....

Liz said...

I KNOW, right?! I'm trying really hard not to get my hopes up, because I know it'll probably never happen, but COME ON! (SO much more exciting than a Sex and the City movie.)