Thursday, February 21, 2008

See you in a month!

Hello, boys and girls! Apologies all around for the lack of updates lately, and for the following:

Glowy Box will be on a temporary hiatus for the next month while I transition into a new job and take a much-needed vacation. I will be back and posting by the end of March (when there's actually stuff to post about). In the meantime, I encourage you to read the many fabulous blogs linked in my sidebar, and to enjoy the following video of what may be the awesomest thing to ever grace my TV screen. Seriously, Victor Garber is my hero.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lipstick Jungle: Potential is a terrible thing to waste.

Tonight on Lipstick Jungle, we rejoin our three heroines as they learn for once and for all that they absolutely cannot have it all. Or even a little, in fact. Disaster looms at every turn in the form of bribable nannies, picky princes, and thieving assistants. And yet, as the plot flies by fast enough to make my head spin, I'm still very much un-grabbed. Maybe it's the sometimes painful dialogue, maybe it's the sometimes painful acting, maybe it's the danger zone between tongue-in-cheek and taking itself too seriously, but Lipstick Jungle isn't nearly fun enough. Too bad...the cast, at least, definitely had potential. And the pedigree isn't something to be scoffed at, either.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Writers' Strike is Over!

...Which means that someday, somehow, I will actually find something to write about here again. Because seriously, I've watched, like, three hours of new television in the past week. If that. Bring on the new episodes!

In the meantime, there are several new interviews up on Adopt A Writer, which will be continuing post-strike, since introducing viewers to writers is certainly a worthy cause. Sandie, from Daemon's TV, interviewed Javier Grillo-Marxuach, who has written for Lost and Medium, among others (interview here). She also interviewed Cathryn Michon, who has written for Side Order of Life and Designing Women, among others (interview here).

Therese, from Writer Unboxed, interviewed Ellen Sandler, who has written for Everybody Loves Raymond, Coach, and many other sitcoms (interview here). Jill, from Criminal Minds Fanatics, interviewed Debra J. Fisher and Erica Messer, who have written for Criminal Minds, The O.C., and Alias (interview here). Dan, from TiFaux, interviewed Michael Jann, a writer for The Tonight Show (interview here).

Check back as the week continues--we've got great interviews to come!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency: Farewell, Peter! We'll miss the drama you created...

Tonight on Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, the show finished up the season in Miami, where we were treated to a hefty dose of drama as Janice and Peter finally settled their differences with a winner-takes-all cage match. Okay, okay, it was more of a quiet lunch where Janice's lawyer did most of the talking. But a cage match would've been way better, if you ask me.

We begin, though, with the Midnight Lingerie Show: The night before the big Custo Barcelona casting, Janice ambushes her models with an Ed Hardy Intimates fashion show. At 1 AM. Riiight. After a frantic hour of preparation, the models strut their almost-naked stuff in front of 1,800 screaming fans. Janice is thrilled with the results, as are the models.

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Monday, February 11, 2008

TV Blog Coalition: Links, in absence of real content (sorry.)

Buzz wonders how many '80s TV references you can pack into one little Ben Lee music video. (BuzzSugar)

Araya tells us why Friday Night Lights is number 2 on his Top 10 TV Shows list. (Daemon's TV)

Mikey was relieved to see Ricky finally get auf'd on Project Runway, but he still has considerable beefs with the current season. (Mikey Likes TV)

Pop Vultures interviewed writer Eric Estrin and got his perspective on the WGA strike. (Pop Vultures)

To explain her love for Anna Fricke, Rae channeled her Dawson's Creek fangirl of television shows gone by. (RTVW)

Much like the chick from Girlfriends, the dude from Live, and Puff Daddy's man servant, Scooter McGavin now supports Barak Obama in the Democratic primaries. Because seriously, who is not swayed by an endorsement from one of the Pussycat Dolls? Yes We Can!! (Scooter McGavin's 9th Green)

Vance skipped The Super Bowl but loved all the super bawling on Friday Night Lights which deserves a bit of that 97 Million Super Bowl football audience. (Tapeworthy)

Jace was all about advance looks at British telly this week, with reviews of new series That Mitchell and Webb Look and Last Restaurant Standing on BBC America. (Televisionary)

Dan interviewed Tonight Show writer Michael Jann about the WGA strike as part of the Adopt a Writer project. (TiFaux)

Jennifer questioned whether Nip/Tuck should be renamed “Nip YUCK,” after the latest developments. (Tube Talk)

Kate picked the five best and five worst looks from this season of Project Runway. (TV Filter)

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Lipstick Jungle: Sex and the City...without the sex.

Following on the heels of Cashmere Mafia, Darren Star's post-Sex and the City series about four career women supporting each other through thick and thin, we have Lipstick Jungle, Candace Bushnell's post-Sex and the City series about three career women supporting each other through thick and thin. I'm actually glad things are trending this way, because I've got a great series idea about two career women supporting each other through thick and thin, called Stiletto Hailstorm. One of them will be a high-powered but sexually frustrated sports agent, and the other will be a free-spirited gallery owner who's thinking of leaving her husband...for another woman! I'm guessing CBS and Fox will get into a bidding war.

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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Adopt A Writer: New interviews!

Adopt A Writer

In addition to my interview with Sam, we've got two new interviews up on Adopt A Writer!

Nina Bargiel, interview by Kimra for BuzzSugar.
Recent reports that the writers’ strike could be nearing its end are good news for TV and movie fans, but they’ve got to be even better news for folks like Nina Bargiel. As a member of the Writers Guild of America, Bargiel — who wrote 17 episodes of Lizzie McGuire and has worked for several animated shows — has been on the run since the writers’ strike began in November, working three part-time jobs, blogging on a couple of websites, and marching on the picket lines. (Click here to read the full interview.)

Eric Estrin, interview by Fergus and Marcia for Pop Vultures.
Eric Estrin is a long-time member of the WGA, with television credits going back over twenty years. He has written for such diverse shows as Miami Vice, Murder, She Wrote and The Outer Limits and also served as writer/producer on V.I.P. (Click here to read the full interview.)

Stay tuned here and at the central Adopt A Writer site for more!

Kate Walsh wants you to vote!

I'm gonna make an executive decision here and say that Kate Walsh's presence (among many others) in the following super-inspirational video makes it TV-related. Also, it's an awesome video which allows me to remind you that if you live in one of the states listed here, you should be voting today. And if you want to vote for Obama, all the better! But seriously, the most important thing is that you make an informed decision and VOTE, no matter who you decide on. So get out there and make it happen!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Adopt A Writer: Sam Kass

Adopt A Writer

Sam Kass isn’t a household name, though some of his credits certainly are. In a career full of highs and lows, Sam made the incredible leap from driving a cab in New York City while working as a playwright to writing for what many have called the greatest television show of all time – Seinfeld. He’s been a WGA member since 1994, but estimates that he only made enough money to support his wife and two children solely through writing for six or seven of those fourteen years.

The WGA has been there for Sam’s wife as she’s battled cancer for the past eight years. With a ticking clock on their health care eligibility, Sam worries that their insurance benefits could expire before he has the opportunity to land another writing job, leaving his wife without treatment. Despite this heart-wrenching situation, Sam and his wife both stand behind the WGA: “This strike is about more than just us. Hopefully it will end soon, and I'll be able to secure a job that will keep our benefits going. Until then, I'll get out on the picket line and do my duty.”

Sam’s courage and sense of humor during such difficult times made me grateful for the opportunity to interview him, and I am proud to introduce him to all of you:

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

TV Blog Coalition: Linker Bowl

  • Buzz suggested some books for fans missing their Gossip Girl, Brothers & Sisters, Heroes, and more. (BuzzSugar)
  • This week, Daemon's TV introduced their new regular feature, DVR (Daemon Video Recap), a fun video recap chipmunk-style of your favorite TV shows. (Daemon's TV)
  • Liz enjoyed a hefty dose of manufactured drama (with some crazy bitch, to boot) on the Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency. (Glowy Box)
  • Be it mere Sports Night nostalgia or something greater, Mikey is digging Thursday's session with In Treatment. (Mikey Likes TV)
  • Marcia explained why Supernatural is one of the most underrated shows on television. (Pop Vultures)
  • Feeling nostalgic, Rae recalled favorite childhood TV shows and moments from Buffy and Dawson's Creek among others with a TV meme. (RTVW)
  • For those that want to relive the show before its second season premiere March 2nd or if you just need some scripted television to watch before it goes the way of the dinosaur, Scooter is giving away Dirt Season 1 on DVD. (Scooter McGavin's 9th Green)
  • Vance admits to liking guilty pleasures like the movie 27 Dresses, the new single by OneRepublic and the TV show Carpoolers. Yes, Vance is that one person watching that show. (Tapeworthy)
  • This week, Jace was all about Lost, with exclusive interviews with Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway, Elizabeth Mitchell, Michael Emerson, and Yunjin Kim, advance reviews, and morning-after analysis. (Televisionary)
  • TiFaux got naughty and kinky this week by offering up the Top Ten TV-Related Safe Words. (TiFaux)
  • Tube Talk celebrated the new season of Lost with a hilarious parody starting the Lost action figures. (Tube Talk)
  • Raoul found out the crazy things people say when they file complaints to the FCC about your favorite shows. (TV Filter)
  • Thanks to some shameless in show advertising, the TV Addict deems NBC "Nothing But Commercials." (

Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'll drink to that...

I don't often get to write about it, since this is a TV blog and all, but I'm a huge musical theatre nerd. Huge. So you can imagine my excitement when I found out that PBS's Great Performances series will be airing John Doyle's recent production of Company, the groundbreaking Sondheim musical about love and relationships starring a completely brilliant Raúl Esparza. (Seriously, I saw this production in person, and his was the single most powerful performance I've ever seen on stage.)

It doesn't air until February 20, but here's a preview clip to get you excited! (The song is "Side by Side by Side," and this production features actors doubling as the orchestra, which is pretty cool.)

For the Facebook-inclined, you can find more info here.

On the Glowy Box: Not a hell of a lot...

As I said earlier, real life and Adopt A Writer have taken over my blogging (and, worse, TV-watching) time, so...not a lot going on over here. Sorry. I borrowed the Wonderfalls DVDs from a co-worker, so I'm hoping to make my way through those in the near future (and finally watch the second season of Weeds, of course). So much TV, so little time...even during the strike!

Eli Stone: Eli Stone, a successful corporate lawyer, begins experiencing visions that compel him to redefine his life and work, despite opposition from his family, friends and colleagues. 10 PM, ABC.

And yeah, I know that everyone else in the world is writing about Lost. Um...not me. I've purposely never seen it, since I don't have the time to get sucked in. Please don't yell at me. Some day, when I'm in an old folk's home, I'll rent all the holo-DVDs, strap on my virtual reality visor, and get all caught up.

Strike Wars

I'm crazy busy with Adopt A Writer and real life right now, so enjoy this impressively well-made video while you eagerly await my next post...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

On the Glowy Box: Project Runway reruns make me sad

Don't get excited for any new episodes of Pushing Daisies this season, even if the strike ends this week. Nuts.

Last Night:
House: New episodes of good scripted shows renew my soul...although it was a bit odd that Fox saved the Christmas episode until after the holidays. I mean, there was a Secret Santa "exchange" and everything! And I have to say, I'm getting more and more irritated with the token Chase/Cameron appearances in each episode. They need to either figure out what to do with those two, or cut them out of the show altogether. Hopefully they have some end game in mind. But can I get a "hells yeah!" for Janel Moloney? Oh, Donna, how I've missed you. Hopefully we'll get plenty of Cuddy in the Super Bowl episode, and I can be even happier. (Things that don't make me happy, and in fact make me nauseous: Bleeding eyes-why is it always the eyes?-and breast milk produced by a boil on someone's leg, and then being squirted into a poor girl's mouth. Good thing she was already going to need therapy after knowing her mom's favorite sexual positions.)

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency: Get ready for a CRAZY cliffhanger!

Tonight on Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, we got a hefty dose of Janice/Peter conflict, a hefty dose of Desireé being too big for her britches, and a hefty dose of JP being kind of a jerk. Also, some modeling and stuff. Just to fill in the gaps between the drama.

The opening salvos of WWIII?: We rejoin Janice at the Ed Hardy casting as she and Peter fight it out over his pulling JP and Dominic from the job due to a conflict with 2(x)ist. Janice convinces Christian to book them anyway, ensuring future conflict, because manufactured drama is the low-carb bread and fat-free margarine of Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency. I gotta say, if JP was definitely on hold for 2(x)ist and Dominic was confirmed, how the hell did they make it to the casting in the first place? Peter says he's left picking up the pieces, but it seems like multiple people dropped the ball here. And no one's happy about the conflict.

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On the Glowy Box: New 'House' Alert!

There are about eight billion rumors flying around the internet about the strike ending soon. I truly hope they're accurate, but we need to keep the pressure on until we know for sure!

Last Night:
The State of the Union: [Insert retching sounds here.]

House: As the team runs tests to determine what caused a woman to have sudden paralysis of the hands, the rest of her system begins to shut down; the team participates in a gift exchange with a twist, courtesy of House. 9 PM, Fox.

Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency: The models head to Las Vegas for an Ed Hardy fashion show; Two models are forced to deal with unresolved issues, while two others decide if they want to take their friendship to the next level; Janice makes an announcement. 10:30 PM, Oxygen.

I actually forgot that new episodes of House were coming, which will only make tonight's installment all the sweeter. (Plus there's the Super Bowl episode on Sunday, so it's a House-tastic week!)

New Speechless Video!

The presence of Maggie Gyllenhaal alone makes this video awesome, so this line is mere icing on the cake: "The last time that I went out with 'AMPaTaPuh,' he said he didn't want to waste his money tipping a waiter 20 percent, because he wasn't sure that the restaurant business was going to pan out!"

Monday, January 28, 2008

Adopt A Writer: Meet the WGA, one writer at a time

Adopt A Writer

Now that the website is up and running with a couple interviews, I'm proud to formally introduce the Adopt A Writer project, which I'm organizing with Rae and Kelley from Ramblings of a TV Whore (and with much-needed help from United Fandom and United Hollywood).

Each participating blog will interview a TV writer about their life as a writer —and as a striking writer— with the goal of putting a human face on the WGA for our readers and showing the public that the average writer is much more like the average viewer than the AMPTP wants us to believe. Sixteen of the top independent TV blogs have signed on to participate in the project, and we're in the process of recruiting writers. (If you're a writer and you'd like to be adopted, please email us at

Each interview will be published on the interviewing blog's site, and all interviews will also be collected on the central Adopt A Writer site, which already has our first two interviews ready for your reading pleasure. I'll also try and post an excerpt and link to the interviews as they are published. Thus, TV viewers, meet...

Jasmine Love, interview by Spadada for Ramblings of a TV Whore.
Jasmine Love has been in the Writers’ Guild for ten years. You don’t know her name or her face and she isn’t the money hungry already rich writer that the AMPTP wants to blame for this strike, but she is one of many people affected by it. Over the years she’s climbed her way up from writers’ assistant to working writer and she loves TV as much as you and I do. She’s written episodes of Moesha, The Division, and The District and was about to start work on a freelance script when the strike began. (Click here to read the full interview.)

Kate Purdy, interview by Hilary for Pass the Remote.
Kate Purdy worked as a researcher for Cold Case for two seasons before getting a promotion to staff writer this season. She earned her full-fledged WGA membership right before the strike began this past fall. Currently, she’s serving as a Strike Captain and she’s a regular contributor over at United Hollywood. (Click here to read the full interview.)

Stay tuned here and at the central Adopt A Writer site for more!

On the Glowy Box: If I hate Mondays and love lasagna, does that make me Garfield?

Thanks to the WGA's interim deal with Lionsgate, writers from Mad Men and Weeds will be able to go back to work! Huzzah!

Over the Weekend:
Psych: This had to be one of my favorite Psych episodes yet. From the awesome Spanish-language theme song (another gold star for special opening credits, Psych!) to Shawn as an eyeliner-wearing telenovela star, the entire hour had me laughing out loud. It was also great to see Lassiter and O'Hara actively working with (or against, I suppose) Shawn and Gus, which they haven't been doing as much of this season. I wasn't so sure about the O'Hara/harassment complaint plot, though. Hopefully it's leading to something interesting, and wasn't just something random they threw in there. Because, um, weird.

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TV Blog Coalition: Links "R" Us

  • Buzz shared tons of stories from the Freaks and Geeks reunion in San Francisco. (BuzzSugar)
  • Sandie interviewed Sophia Myles who plays Beth Turner on Moonlight. (Daemon's TV)
  • Liz watched writers from The Daily Show and The Colbert Report stage a hilarious mock debate on the strike. (Glowy Box)
  • Mikey wishes that James Marsters was in every episode of Torchwood. (Mikey Likes TV)
  • Fergus looked at five shows that never made it to the airwaves, much to our disappointment. (Pop Vultures)
  • To kick off the Adopt A Writer project Kelley interviewed Jasmine Love, a writer with credits from Moesha, The Division, and The District. (RTVW)
  • Usually the first quarter is a slow time for finding new albums, but Scooter has rounded up a list of 29 albums to check out in the next four months. Well, 28 and Ashlee Simpson. (Scooter McGavin's 9th Green)
  • Vance is going to miss Betty and Chuck during the strike hiatus. (Tapeworthy)
  • Jace was all about British TV this week, from an advance look at Torchwood's second season opener to the awe-inspiring finale of Life on Mars. (Televisionary)
  • Dan had some misgivings about Carson Kressley's tepid new show How to Look Good Naked. (TiFaux)
  • Raoul interviewed Rachel and TK from The Amazing Race. (TV Filter)

Friday, January 25, 2008

Project Runway: Sigh...

I'm going to start this post off with a quote from Glowy Box alumna Lori: "What is it about making dresses out of denim that makes designers start bawling in front of the judges? Not that it takes a lot to set Ricky off, but still. That guy makes Andrae look like Nina." I couldn't have put it better myself, dude. Denim is clearly a very emotional fabric. Who knew?

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On the Glowy Box: So long, and thanks for all the Chuck!

Man, this week is kicking my ass. Sorry for the lack of posts--I'll do better next week, promise!

Last Night:
Chuck: Oh, Chuck. I will miss you so, SO much. And NBC, it's just cruel to tell us that new episodes of Chuck are "coming soon" unless you know something about the negotiations that we don't. For shame. So let's see... I loved the promos during the commercials, I loved that we really explored Casey's character, I loved the scene with Chuck and Sarah on the rooftop, I loved Zachary Levi's continued (failed) attempts to be a super-smooth spy, and I even loved Morgan as a psychotherapist. I love this show, basically. Anyone else want to chime in with things they loved? I could go on and on, but that would probably be boring.

This Weekend:
Psych: Shawn and Gus must find the killer on the set of a Spanish soap opera. Tonight, 10 PM, USA.

Breaking Bad: Walter and Jesse dispose of the mess in the RV; Skyler suspects Walter is involved with Jesse. Sunday, 9 PM, AMC

Masterpiece Theatre - Mansfield Park: After being sent to live at Mansfield Park, Fanny Price (Billie Piper) navigates a labyrinth of intrigues and affairs among its occupants. Sunday, 9 PM, PBS.

Not bad for a weekend during the strike!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

On the Glowy Box: CHUCK!!!

I'm pretty slammed today, so this is gonna be quick and dirty. Sorry!

Last Night:
Hollywood Residential: I am definitely liking this show--so much potential there. Did anyone else catch it?

Head Case: The main character is way too exaggerated for my taste--not at ALL relatable, but not really crazy in a funny way, either. Just painful. I loved Jeff Goldblum and Ione Skye's guest appearances, though!

Project Runway: I'll do an actual recap later, but ding dong, the bitch is dead! If it wasn't gonna be Ricky, Victorya was DEFINITELY my choice to go. Hate her clothes, hate her personality.

Ugly Betty: Betty thinks she has been assigned to interview a great novelist, but the interviewee turns out to be a lesser writer with the same name. 8 PM, ABC.

Chuck: Chuck learns that Casey's ex-girlfriend is about to marry a Russian arms dealer and urges him to fight for her; Capt. Awesome and Ellie reach a tough point in their relationship. 8 PM, NBC.

Chuck: Capt. Awesome asks Chuck for Ellie's hand in marriage; Casey and Sarah discover that the CIA has been spying on them, and they must relocate Chuck to a permanent holding cell to protect his identity. 10 PM, NBC.

If you don't watch both episodes of Chuck tonight (and skip the reality crap in between), then we are no longer friends. Seriously. It's gonna be AWESOME.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Glowy Box on the Scene: Daily Show and Colbert Report Writers Stage Mock Debate on the Strike

As a DC-based blogger, I've sadly been left out of most WGA events. No picketing here, no awesome benefit shows to attend, no solidarity rallies. Today, though, DC got its day in the sun as writers from The Daily Show and The Colbert Report staged a mock debate in the halls (well, hearing room) of Congress on why America should care about the strike. And you guys, it was awesome. UPDATE: Scroll down for video of the debate itself, thanks to Campus Progress. The back of my head is totally visible at one point.

In the debate, moderated by the fabulous Dee Dee Myers (Clinton's former press secretary and a consultant for The West Wing), Daily Show writers portrayed the WGA, and Colbert Report writers portrayed AMPTP. (Of course.) Plus, there were several speeches by supportive Members of Congress, and a Q&A with WGA East President Michael Winship. Luckily for you, I'm a decent note-taker, so the following are the highlights of today's hilarious, hilarious event. (Disclaimer: All quotes are as close to verbatim as I could get them, since I didn't have a tape recorder or laptop with me.)

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On the Glowy Box: Cross your fingers for productive negotiating!

As informal talks resumed yesterday between the WGA and AMPTP, the writers agreed to drop proposals to unionize animated and reality TV writers. Here's hoping that AMPTP is half as reasonable. If we aren't going to get a real TV season this year, I'm at least banking on a solid pilot season and thus a decent season this fall, goddammit.

Last Night:
Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency: Janice would rather go naked than wear fur. And I would rather she do neither. Read my full recap here.

Project Runway: The designers are challenged to take jeans and jackets in various colors and textures, creating an original denim design. 10 PM, Bravo.

Head Case: Dr. Goode avoids the apologetic advances of her ex, Jeremy. In session, Ione Skye and new patient Jeff Goldblum find the doctor in a "fix it fast" mode. Dr. Finkelstein misses the staff meeting...again. 10 PM, Starz.

Smash Lab: The team tests if a special type of carbon fiber is strong enough to protect a home from a hurricane's destructive forces. 10 PM, Discovery.

Hollywood Residential: Series Premiere. "Hollywood Residential" goes to Paula Abdul's house, where the show's host Tony King wreaks havoc with the production & has issues with hot new co-host Lila Mann. Paula & her house have issues with Tony. 10:30 PM, Starz.

If any of you end up watching The Moment of Truth, I don't want to hear about it. Ugh.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency: I'd rather go naked than watch Janice get plastic surgery

Just when I thought I couldn't love Janice any more, she staged a PETA protest on tonight's episode of Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency. Of course, she also made us watch her getting plastic surgery, so I'm going to call it a wash. There was a lot going on, so let's break it down...

Jack Henry Shoot: Back at the Jack Henry shoot, Erika is still sucking hardcore and pissing off Tia, the owner, to the point where Tia goes into a spastic series of poses as an example for her, from the disturbing “Yo, wazzup?” to the perplexing “Sad Clown.” Happily, Janice shows up before my eyeballs can be further damaged by either Tia’s insane posing or Erika’s enormous forehead (in Tyra terms, it’s more of a tenhead than a fivehead). Janice puts up a fight, but Tia insists upon replacing Erika with Ligia, who knocks it out of the park.

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On the Glowy Box: Four-day week!

Sorry for the lack of posting yesterday. My internet at home isn't working for me, for some reason. Rrgh. But it was technically a holiday, so we'll use that as an excuse. Anyway, I managed to miss Terminator last night, but I DID finish the second season of Dexter! (More later.)

Over the Weekend:
Breaking Bad: LOVED it. This show absolutely has to be Emmy bait for Bryan Cranston. And the pacing was fantastic! I was worried that the "desperate parent turns to drug dealing to make ends meet" concept was a little too close to Weeds, but Breaking Bad managed to distinguish itself as the more dramatic of the two shows right off the bat--there was more action in the pilot episode than in the entire first season of Weeds. The only question mark for me was the actor playing Bryan Cranston's partner, but he's got a tough job standing out next to such a powerful performance. Anyway, two thumbs up to Breaking Bad. I'm very happy to add another show to my "Strike Survival Roster."

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Top Five Special Opening Credit Sequences

I've seen a bunch of great posts in the past couple months listing favorite credit sequences and opening themes, which got me thinking about one of my favorite television gimmicks: Taking the normal opening credit sequence and winking at the fans by twisting it somehow, or using it in an interesting way. Here are five of my favorite examples.

1. Boston Legal - In this fantastic clip, Jerry describes a song he sings in his head to Shirley, and when she asks him to sing it for her, it segues into Jerry singing along with the opening theme (which I already love):

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Monday, January 21, 2008

TV Blog Coalition: Links up the Wazoo

  • Buzz issued a bold challenge to recast Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (BuzzSugar)
  • Eric wrote about the French titles (translated) of American TV shows. (Daemon's TV)
  • Liz previewed Hollywood Residential, a promising new single-camera comedy premiering Wednesday on Starz. (Glowy Box)
  • American Idol is back, and Mikey's life is suddenly filled with meaning once again. (Mikey Likes TV)
  • Marcia reviewed the second season opener of Torchwood and, for the most part, liked what she saw. (Pop Vultures)
  • Rae had fun talking to a fellow Buffy fan and the woman behind Kyle XY's Jessi XX, Jaimie Alexander. (RTVW)
  • For those that prefer your horror movies to be more classic slasher like Evil Dead than realistic gore like Saw, you should definitely check out Hatchet starring the chick from Buffy the Vampire Slayer not named Buffy and the dude from Dharma and Greg not named Greg. (Scooter McGavin's 9th Green)
  • Vance is still undecided about Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. (Tapeworthy)
  • Desperate for something to watch, Jace tuned into the first two episodes of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and pleaded with John Connor to wash his greasy hair. (Televisionary)
  • Who do you think would win a knock-down, drag-out fight: NBC's Chuck or Rami from Project Runway? (TiFaux)
  • Jennifer had a "biting" good time interviewing Moonlight’s Sophia Myles about what it’s like working on a show about vampires. (Tube Talk)
  • We posted an in-depth interview with Lost star Elizabeth Mitchell, who's not surprisingly far more delightful than her somewhat sinister character Juliet. (
  • Kate watched American Idol for the first time ever - and loved it. (TV Filter)

Friday, January 18, 2008


As I'm sure you've heard, the DGA and AMPTP have come to an agreement, which the WGA is looking over. United Hollywood has an unofficial, but very helpful, analysis of said agreement, and what it could mean for writers. I highly recommend heading over there and giving it a read. They conclude:

There are some genuine gains here, some issues that need clarification and some points of grave concern that threaten to drastically undercut writers' compensation. The DGA deal, as we understand it, is neither reason for celebration nor mourning. Writers (and actors!) must resist the urge to get entrenched in a position on this too quickly. Parts of this deal will be the basis for a meaningful resumption of talks with the WGA, parts of this will not. Let's discuss it, let's debate it, but let's keep it civil and understand that the deal that gets everyone back to work will be the one that no one loves, but everyone can live with.

If you're tempted to yell at the writers for not just accepting this deal outright, remember that writers are compensated far less than directors, and are more likely to have to live off of residuals at some point in their career. Thus, the stakes are much higher. Plus, you know, the directors are the ones who managed to negotiate the crap home video residuals formula that everyone's still being screwed by two decades later. So here's hoping that this deal serves as a catalyst for resumed negotiations and that the writers and producers are able to come to their own deal quickly.

Can a theme song be TOO catchy?

Cartoon Network is premiering a new version of the George of the Jungle cartoon (that of the "watch out for that tree!" theme song) tonight at 7:30. Thus, of course, I've had that freaking song stuck in my head all afternoon. And I can't decide if it's awesomely catchy, or dangerously catchy. You know, to the point where it could take over the nation like an aural virus, sending us (further?) into a recession by destroying worker productivity as everyone just sits at their desks, humming. If that ends up being the case, I apologize for posting the following video:

On the Glowy Box: Three-day weekend!

My three-day weekend resolution: To clean my apartment and to finish the second season of Dexter and get going on the second season of Weeds. Glowy Box Quiz Time: Which one am I looking forward to the least? (Hint: It involves mopping.)

In the meantime, The Jay asks an interesting question: What would you give up to save your favorite (or not-so-favorite) shows? For example, he says, "To save Boston Legal, I would give up doing my impression of Ace Ventura doing his impression of Shatner from that episode of The Twilight Zone." Now that's sacrifice! Let's see... To save Project Runway, I would give up shopping at Goodwill for an entire fashion season. (I was going to say a year, but I'm not really sure I could uphold that bargain.)

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Project Runway: Team Fierce!

Well, nuts. On the one hand, I loved this week's challenge. On the other hand, it resulted in the elimination of one of my favorite contestants. But, it was a fair elimination, so I suppose I have no cause for complaint (unlike last week). Also, I feel like I lost one of my other favorite contestants, because Rami was clearly taken over by some sort of Mr. Hyde alter-ego (henceforth known as "Meani"). Come back, Rami! I miss your quiet confidence and your non-dickish personality!

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