Monday, December 31, 2007


...Anybody out there? Well, I obviously took a longer vacation from blogging than I originally intended this holiday season. Oops. Sorry. That said, there was absolutely nothing on TV, so I didn't really have that much to write about, anyway. Can you forgive me?

As a peace offering, here's a tip: Amazon is having a crazy TV on DVD sale. Buy one, get one free for a selection of over 170 items, from Seinfeld to Rescue Me to News Radio to The Critic to shows from the 70's that I've never even heard of. Enjoy!

Monday, December 24, 2007

"Nestor the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey," you'll go down in hiiistoooryyy!

Today's featured Christmas special is a religious reworking of "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer." Because, you know, why change the formula if you already know it's successful? Apparently based on a song by Gene Autry, "Rudolph" becomes "Nestor," "Red-Nosed" becomes "Long-Eared," and "Reindeer" becomes "Christmas Donkey." Riiight...

Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey (Rankin-Bass, 1977)

The Main Players:

  • Speiltoe, Santa's donkey (what, you didn't know Santa had a donkey?) and our singing narrator.
  • Nestor, a clumsy young donkey with freakishly long ears. Like, down to the ground.
  • Olaf, a mean donkey breeder who doesn't feed Nestor because he's always tripping over his ears and breaking things. (Which, seriously? How many breakable objects could there possibly be in a barn?)
  • Nestor's mother, whom you probably shouldn't get too attached to.
  • Tilly, a cherub sent to inspire Nestor. (You see, angels inspire humans, while cherubs inspire animals!)
  • Mary and Joseph. Yeah, that Mary and Joseph.

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Ho-lidays from Janice Dickinson!

I know I posted this last year, but it's too good not to resurrect. Janice's "12 Days of Christmas," you guys. The awesomeness has to be seen to be believed.

I'll be back with more Christmas special recaps tomorrow, but in the meantime, Merry Christmas, from Janice to us!

TV Blog Coalition: Merry Linkmas!

Get ready for some awesome reading, because below is this week's edition of the TV Blog Coalition's favorite links of the week! Here at Glowy Box, after answering some googled questions about Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency and Cash and Treasures, I celebrated the holiday season by recapping Pinocchio’s Christmas, which was surprisingly lacking in likeable characters, and Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town, the classic Christmastime ode to freedom and Democracy.

Click below to see what everyone else was up to.

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Suck it, USSR, 'cause "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town"

Another day, another unbelievably awesome Christmas special! Today's installment is a classic allegorical tale about the evils of Communism and the toy-loving goodness of Democracy.

Santa Claus is Comin' to Town (Rankin-Bass, 1970)

The Main Players:

  • The Narrator, a mailman who is almost certainly breaking multiple Federal laws by opening children's mail and reading it aloud to us. (Voiced by Fred Astaire.)
  • Kris, a redheaded toymaker and freedom-lover with possible pedophilic tendencies and the ability to dance on air. (Voiced by Mickey Rooney.)
  • Winter Warlock, an evil wizard living in the Mountain of the Whispering Winds, who may or may not represent the non-USSR Eastern Bloc countries.
  • Burgermeister Meisterburger, the toy- and Democracy-hating mayor/dictator of Sombertown/the USSR.
  • Jessica, a Sombertown schoolteacher with a surprising penchant for letting her hair down and singing psychedelic songs.
  • Topper, Kris's adorable, scarf-wearing penguin sidekick, who is looking for the South Pole and is in for a big letdown.

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Get Lucky with "Pinocchio's Christmas"

Thanks to ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas, there is a multitude of Christmas-themed viewing to be had this time of year--some good, some awesome. And, in the spirit of Christmas and giving and all that, I (and a few possibly masochistic friends) sacrificed some of my Sunday to watch and recap some fabulous claymation Christmas specials for you, my deserving readers. Below is the first installment, Pinocchio's Christmas.

Pinocchio's Christmas (Rankin-Bass, 1980)

The Main Players:

  • Pinocchio, who is less than a year old, kind of a tool, and extremely stupid. Which you can't really fault him for, since he's made of wood.
  • Geppetto, an asshole woodcarver who inexplicably wears a wig with a bowl cut, and is just as stupid and toolish as his wooden child.
  • Fox and Cat, an evil mastermind and his moronic accomplice, respectively, who are somewhat offensively dressed like gypsies.
  • Maestro Fire-Eater, a puppeteer with a disappointing name.
  • Lady Azura, some kind of magic woodland queen, or something, who planted the enchanted tree that Pinocchio came from.
  • The Duke, a heartless rich man who learns a Valuable Lesson.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Put one foot in front of the other...

Sorry for the lack of posting today, guys. I'm a bit slammed in real life this time of year. But here's a sneak preview of what's coming up on Glowy Box in the near future!

As someone with a sprained ankle, I find the main directive of this song more challenging than the Winter Warlock does. However, I support its general theme. And the fact that Santa Claus is Comin' to Town is hilarious.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency: Model abuse!

Tonight on Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, we've got some fatties, some prudes, some drunks, and some crybabies. So...pretty much your average episode. (Incidentally, why is this show an hour long this season? It really, really did better with the half-hour episodes. Filler sucks.)

We rejoin Janice as she's basically calling Traci fat, complete with the hilarious claim that "the camera adds 10-15 pounds, and that's why models are emaciated." Okay, so is she actually naming emaciation as the goal here? SIGH. After barely fitting into Janice's size 4 skirt, Traci receives an ultimatum: lose the weight, or get dropped from the agency. Kehoe comforts her, and we get the slo-mo face close-ups of burgeoning model love. Speaking of model love, Crystal, back in LA, meets up with Chris Jones, who kindly offers to let her stay with him rather than sleep in her car. And since she elected to sleep in her car the previous night rather than call him, I'm gonna say he's a bit more into her than she's into him.

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Clone High: Finally on DVD!

Today marks a monumental occasion in my life, and hopefully yours: Clone High, the hysterical animated series about a high school of cloned historical figures, is finally available on DVD! MTV didn't even air the entire first (and only) season, which is a tragedy in and of itself, but you can now, at last, watch the whole thing the way it was meant to be watched (i.e., not a fuzzy bootlegged version on your campus's filesharing network).

For the unfamiliar, Clone High is awesome. And hilarious. And extremely quotable. ("I like my humping like I like my martinis: dry.") And features much of the Scrubs cast's vocal talents, as well as Bill Lawrence's creative genius and many awesome guest stars. ("Staaaamooooooos!") Amazon is out of stock right now, so it's not super-easy for a Christmas gift, but it's still perfect strike-surviving material! So what are you waiting for?

It's a Horrible Life

Current TV is doing an animated spoof of It's a Wonderful Life tonight, with George W. Bush standing in for Jimmy Stewart. Here's a short preview, but check out the whole thing tonight at 10--it's pretty funny, and I'm always up for a little Bush-mocking. (Also, George Clooney as President, sexing his way to world peace, is kind of a stroke of genius.)

On the Glowy Box: Not a total loss...

By the time I got home from work last night, I was too exhausted to watch any TV. And for me, that's really saying something. Here's hoping (but not necessarily expecting) that tonight will be better!

Boston Legal: Carl and Katie defend the firm against a client who claims Denny misled them about the environmental friendliness of the firm's offices; Alan takes on a bank that threatens to foreclose on Clarence's home. 10 PM, ABC.

SuperNews: "It's a Horrible Life," an animated "It's a Wonderful Life" parody starring George W. Bush as George Bailey. 10 PM, Current TV.

Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency: Janice has to sober up a model who shows up drunk to a photo shoot. 10:30 PM, Oxygen.

A little more than last night, a lot less than ideal. Get off your asses and get negotiating, AMPTP!

What's your favorite new comedy?

As you may or may not know, Pushing Daisies and Chuck are finalists for People's Choice Awards this January! The category is Favorite New TV Comedy (the third finalist - and probable winner, sadly enough - is Samantha Who?), and polls are open pretty much until the award is announced during the telecast on January 8th. (Which may or may not have writers and attendees...) While I love Pushing Daisies AND Chuck very much, I am throwing my weighty influence behind Pushing Daisies. Mostly because I like it more, but also to reward its outside-the-box sensibility.

People's Choice Awards
Go to

As far as Favorite New TV Drama goes, I didn't bother voting. Personally, my favorite new drama is Life, which doesn't rise to the level of either of the aforementioned comedies, but does a good job keeping me entertained. Unfortunately, the finalists are Private Practice, Moonlight, and Gossip Girl, so...yeah. Anyway, don't let the weak dramas this year turn you off--vote for Pushing Daisies early (Chuck is also an acceptable choice, though I'm worried these two will split the "cool" vote), and vote for it often!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Glowy Box Mailbag: Janice, Treasure, and One Potential Stalker

It's time for another edition of Glowy Box Mailbag, where you ask Google questions, Google sends you our way, and we finally get around to answering them. Or mocking you. Either way.

Q: is janice's modeling agency real

A: Great question! Unfortunately, it brings us into a bit of an existential dilemma. What is "real," really? The "agency" has a myspace page. Does that make it real? Said myspace page includes an address where wannabe models can send headshots, which is promising. Of course, the address is for the production office, and not the agency. Hmm. However, the page also has this to say about Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency: "Unlike many 'reality' shows, there are no fake contests or contrived situations. It..s [sic] a real business with real financial, personal and professional stakes." I'm guessing the "Suck it, Tyra!" is implied there.

I suppose her agency is "real" in that she had to set up a real agency for the show to exist. Would there be an agency without the show? Almost certainly not. I leave you with this quote from Albert Einstein: "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." ...Does that help?

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On the Glowy Box: Have a Holly Jolly night of nada

Interesting development with the Letterman folks... Here's to dividing and conquering!

Over the Weekend:
Um...yeah. There was nothing. Nothing! I got caught up a bit on the new season of Cash and Treasures, which was cool, and watched a bunch of Christmas specials, which you'll hear about later, but...nothing. Damn you, AMPTP and holiday drought season!

More of the same! (The same being nothing.) I'm basically going to force myself not to watch the choirs thing, since I promised myself I wouldn't watch or cover any of the scab reality shows that networks are bringing in to replace the scripted stuff during the strike.'s actually lucky I'm working too late tonight to watch TV, right? Sigh...

UPDATE: Hey, I almost forgot! Current TV is doing an animated, Bush-mocking parody of It's a Wonderful Life, entitled It's a Horrible Life, which will air tonight at 10. (Just kidding, it's been changed to tomorrow night, because we're fated to have nothing to watch tonight.) I've seen it, and it's pretty funny!

Another Great Speechless Video

Way to be funny and make your point, Joey Pants, Matthew Modine, and Sarah Lancaster (from Chuck!). See more at

Saturday, December 15, 2007

TV Blog Coalition: Can you handle the links?

It's that time of the week again! (What time of the week, Liz?) The time when you can easily read about what all the awesomest TV bloggers have been writing about all week! (Hooray!) Here at Glowy Box, it was a fashion-heavy week as I (along with the rest of the nation) was outraged by the season finale of America’s Next Top Model, enjoyed the manufactured drama on Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, and loved this week’s challenge on Project Runway.

Click below to see what everyone else was up to!

TiFaux: Dan was thrust into an identity crisis after coming to terms with his crush on the gal who plays Nick George’s wife on Dirty Sexy Money. We also discussed the new Gap ads featuring some of our favorite people: John Krasinksi, Amy Poehler and Will Arnett. Maggie abandoned the television for one night and went to the theat-uh – to see Aaron Sorkin’s new play The Farnsworth Invention (which is based on the invention of the television).

Tube Talk offered a sneak peek at the new Knight Rider and unveiled photos of the new KITT. Jennifer interviewed Moonlight’s Jason Dohring, and he dished about upcoming episodes. Tube Talk Girl continued her insane obsession with ‘90s TV stars, as she posted a vintage Doritos commercial with some familiar faces and pondered the fact that Scott Baio is no longer 45 and single.

The TV Addict: With the holidays fast approaching, we offered up some early Christmas gifts for TV Addict's everywhere. An interview with Moonlight star Jason Dohring, some Supernatural spoilers a first look at the new Knight Rider and a partridge in a pear tree.

TV Filter: Kate wished Bonanza City had been a little more Lord of the Flies after all and decided that 30 Rock is the new The Office. Raoul talked to Azria and Hendekea from The Amazing Race.

TV With MeeVee:
We talked to the new Knight Rider driver and pit crew. We talked American Idol with producer Nigel Lythgoe. And we liveblogged the Project Runway finale.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

On the Glowy Box: So much Christmas shopping to do!

Props to 30 Rock, Pushing Daisies, and all my other faves for their Golden Globe nominations! Alec Baldwin had better win this year...that's all I'm sayin'.

Last Night:
30 Rock: Elaine Stritch! Andy Richter! Ludachristmas!!! Two valuable lessons in one: The meaning of Christmas, AND something about family! So many exclamation points for this show! (Though, to be fair, it couldn't top last week's hysterical installment. But 30 Rock sets the bar so high for its best episodes that I can't really fault them for being unable to reach it every week.) Merry Christmas/Jewish, everyone!

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All 3 Seasons of Arrested Development for $30!

Amazon's Gold Box Deal today is all three seasons of Arrested Development (the greatest, funniest, awesomest show on Earth) for only $30. It's just until they run out, which will probably happen fast, given the awesomeness of the deal, so go order now!

Ten freaking bucks a season, people. [GOB voice] COME ON!!! [/GOB voice] If you already own it, get a backup copy just in case tragedy strikes and something happens to the original! (Not that I just did that or anything...I'll probably end up giving it away as a Christmas present...probably...)

Afternoon Update: Looks like they're sold out. Sorry if you missed out, but it's still worth paying full price for!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Project Runway: Back in Business

Phew! Finally a return to normalcy on Project Runway this week after a duo of challenges resulting in stunningly bad outfits. Last night's challenge was great, and the results definitely separated the wheat from the chaff. They also finally started to make me believe that this season's group of designers can live up to the talent of previous seasons', which I had honestly been doubting thus far.

The models this week are all women who have lost huge amounts of weight--from 45 to 160 pounds, in fact. Wow. And they're all wearing their (very baggy) favorite old outfits, which will unfortunately serve as the raw material for the challenge: To make outfits suitable for the clients' everyday lives, while still expressing their point of view as a designer. Wow, this is, like, the most booby-trapped challenge ever! Let's list the pitfalls: The models aren't traditional sizes, the designers have to balance their clients' wishes with their own style, AND the fabric choice is limited and largely awful. Yikes.

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Current TV visits a machine gun shootout

This "pod" from Current TV, which aired last night, is basically a mini-documentary about a machine gun shootout in Kentucky that attracts thousands of people every year. So yeah, thousands of people shooting everything from military-quality machine guns to 50-caliber sniper rifles (so hardcore they're apparently illegal to use in warfare) to freaking cannons. Um, wow. I kind of can't believe these weapons are legal. Even in Kentucky. Watch, and be disturbed. (I mean, can you imagine using any of these weapons on a living thing? I know that's not the point, but it's awful to think about.)

On the Glowy Box: You suck, Tyra

[Professor Farnsworth voice] Good news, everyone! [/Professor Farnsworth voice] Gillian Anderson will host the new mini-season of Masterpiece Theatre! Nicely done, PBS. Now I have something to watch in January.

Last Night:
Pushing Daisies: WOAH. That was some bombshell at the end, there! I though we were supposed to get closure last night. Was that a cruel joke? Anyway, quality episode, as always. I do feel the need to point out, however, that a bonobo is NOT a monkey. It's an ape. And it's not "gentle," either. It's legendarily horny. The Wish a Wish monkey was nothing like a bonobo (perhaps a capuchin?). Just sayin'. Also, why wasn't Olive strongly affected when she tasted the mood enhancer? That kind of threw me off, since I was expecting something to come of it. The Chuck/Ned scenes, though, were uniformly fantastic. Lee Pace more than earned his paycheck last night. Also, the coroner was really rocking that Christmas sweater.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

America's Next Top Model: Yup.

After a not-so-long cycle of lectures by Tyra, increasingly absurd photo shoots, and varying levels of fierceness, it's finally come down to the final three girls. The last one standing will win some impressive-sounding prizes, and then go on to annoy us next cycle with terrible My Life as a Covergirl commercials before fading into inevitable obscurity and non-Supermodeldom.

Will it be Chantal, who has coasted into the final three with a deadly combination of average photos and masterful presentation at the judging panel? Or Saleisha, whose connections with Tyra have allowed her to rise above her Tootie haircut, giving her a likely lock on this competition (barring some sort of disastrous final commercial or runway show)? Or will it be Jenah, who is also weighed down by terrible hair, plus a bad attitude, but has taken by far the best pictures of the three? Oh, the suspense!

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Half a million is a lot of pencils!

Yesterday, Ron Moore and Joss Whedon, along with a large group of fans and writers, took part in the attempted delivery of more than 500,000 pencils )and a "Go Back to the Table" message) to NBC, Walt Disney, and Universal Studios. (Yes, attempted. The studios refused delivery, as expected. According to Pencils2MediaMoguls, refused pencils will be donated to non-profit children's charities.)

The important thing, though, is that the event got attention, and acted as visual proof of fans' support to the attending press. Impressive visual proof, at that--the still-boxed pencils reportedly formed a 20-foot long, five-foot high wall! And, of course, this was only the first delivery--show your support and keep those pencils coming! You can see more photos of the delivery here, or check out a great video below the cut.

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On the Glowy Box: Is it Friday yet?

Goodbye, Journeyman. I can't say I watched you, but I didn't actively dislike you or anything, so I'm sorry it had to end this way. (That said--BOO-YA to my two favorite new NBC shows getting full-season pickups, and to the two I don't watch probably getting cancelled. This never happens! In fact, usually the exact opposite happens! Well-played, NBC.)

Last Night:
Project Runway: From last Wednesday. Okay, yeah, I missed it last week and I just got time to watch it last night. Shut up. So what's with the hideous clothing two weeks in a row? Are the challenges too hard, or are these designers failing to live up to the whole "Most Talented Group Yet" claim? (I'm thinking the latter, personally.) And what's with Sweet P (besides her name)? She's done an iffy job at best on the two solo challenges, but a fantastic job on the team challenges! Unfortunately, this show doesn't reward collaborative skills nearly so much as solo talent. Oh, and Victorya? HATE! If you openly defy your leader and change stuff behind his back, that's not so much his being a bad leader as your being mutinous. Though Ricky's own outfit was awful.

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