Saturday, May 26, 2007

Studio 60: Allison! Freaking! Janney!

Since last we saw Studio 60, the show has been cancelled (and I really can't argue with that), but NBC is doing us the dubious favor of burning off the remaining six or so episodes on Thursday nights, now that ER is over (speaking of shows that should be cancelled). So where did we leave off? Matt was struggling with a drug addiction, there was a pending sexual harassment lawsuit, Danny went from stalker to lov-ah, Jordan was having a baby, Matt and Harriet were feuding/flirting, and something about the FCC and Macau.

Thursday night's episode dealt with exactly one of those plotlines, and only to crap all over it. Not that I'm complaining--quite the opposite, in fact. I found most of those stories obnoxious and unnecessary. As unnecessary as Matt and Danny, apparently, since they were nowhere to be seen (along with Jordan and her giant belly). So what DO we have, besides the backup cast speaking for me (and, I suspect, most of the show's audience) when they tell Harriet that they're sick of hearing about her drama with Matt? (I'm not sure how much more I can take either, Sorkin!)

We have "the disaster show," that one show every year in which everything goes to hell. In this case, the prop masters and cue card...commanders...have gone on strike thanks to Danny and his big, opinionated mouth. And have left chaos and booby-trapped props in their wake. Oh, and there's a bomb threat, too. Allison Janney, the awesomest TV actress that ever awesomed, has the unfortunate honor of hosting the disaster show, and looking like a total screw-up in the process. Cal has the unfortunate honor of being in charge of the show in Danny's absence, and bearing the brunt of The Wrath of Janney. (Yeah, CJ/Danny reunion!)

Best of all, I didn't notice a strong Sorpinion slapping me in the face this week. No annoying speeches, no preachy storylines (except for the one about Cal realizing that white kids can make bomb threats, too), and even some possible meta acknowledgement that this show could be better. Well-played, Sorkin. Well-played.