Monday, April 23, 2007

Planet Earth: Our Planet ROCKS!

Has anyone else been watching Planet Earth, the not-so-mini-series on the Discovery Channel? It's basically an amped-up version of Wild Kingdom, with absolutely incredible cinematography and a fancy-pants celebrity narrator. Each hour-long episode is focused on one aspect of our fabulous planet. I watched "Caves" last night, and here is but a small sampling of what I learned:

  • There's a cave somewhere in a country I will now probably never visit that contains a 300-foot pile of bat crap, completely covered in cockroaches.
  • Bird's nest soup is made from the nest of the cave swiftlet, a bird which roosts in the walls of caves in nests it makes with its own saliva. Yeah.
  • Cave glow worms glow in order to lure insects into sticky threads dangling from their bodies, so they can reel in their prey just like fishermen.

Cool, right? You too can learn to amuse, fascinate, and disgust your friends with facts like those by watching Planet Earth on Sundays at 8 on the Discovery Channel.

The weird thing, though, is that I can't help but see it as a record of our planet before we reach the point of no return with the environmental destruction and global warming and whatnot. And that as soon as twenty-five years from now, someone will be watching it on holo-DVD or whatever and be all, "Wow, there used to be orangutans in the wild? And look, amphibians! Those were great, before we killed them all with pesticides and stuff. And oooh, polar bears, back when they had a natural habitat. And the oceans actually have fish in them!"

I guess we can at least be grateful Planet Earth is such a beautiful, interesting record of the amazing planet we're ruining. But still, let's eat less meat and ride our bicycles more, okay, people? Happy Earth Day!


Colleen O'Rourke said...

*angry eyes, pursed lips*

*long sigh*

*consolitory pat on the shoulder*

Alright liz, ok.

Vance said...

hmm... bird's nest soup... memories of childhood...

Yeah, the images are insanely beautiful in this doc. I need to get the DVD's and watch it properly in full (I keep missing it and catching parts of it). Go Earth!

Liz said...

Eww...I can say happily that I have never had bird's nest soup, and never, EVER will. Saliva, dude! Saliva! Aaaanyway, yes, totally amazing. I'm trying to DVR the whole thing so I can catch all of it.

And Colleen, I am going to avoid getting into an unproductive conversation with you and will just say that you should catch the show if you can, because it's actually really cool (and no, not overly environmentalist--that's all me), and I think you'd like it from a photographer's and a biologist's standpoint.

Vance said...

Seriously, the saliva is the best part of the soup! Anyways, nowadays, if it's from China, it's probably fake so doesn't matter...

Liz said...

GROSS! And yeah, according to the show those nests are worth their weight in silver, so probably it's fake in a lot of places.

Colleen O'Rourke said...

Dude, i watch nothing BUT discovery, animal planet, and history channel these days, when im not watching the NBC thursday night lineup. So yes i have heard all about the show in full. However i have only caught two episodes. I keep meaning to ask my dad how to get to the HD channels so i can watch it on the big flat screen HD tv in the family room. aaauuuugggghhhh....