Friday, April 06, 2007

John C. McGinley Makes Good (...In Bad Movies)

I've already expressed my disappointment in John C. McGinley for appearing in movies like Wild Hogs and Are We Done Yet? I'm still disappointed in him, don't get me wrong. But I'm also proud of him. It's very rare that an actor gets a rave review in the middle of a total pan, but that's exactly what JCM has managed to get - from the New York Times, no less. In her review, Jeannette Catsoulis rhapsodizes about the actor that we all knew (but somehow the Emmys never figured out) was this good:

Rising above the melee of blind pipe fitters and Hawaiian dry-rot specialists, however, is a marvelous John C. McGinley, playing a dodgy jack-of-all-trades with the kind of energy that forces other actors to step up their game. He is so good that the script’s last-minute gift of a dead wife is completely unnecessary: he redeems his character through acting skill alone.

As someone who has seen crappy movies just because John C. McGinley is in them - and Liz can back me up on this - I'm not recommending that you go see Are We Done Yet? Really, it's not worth it. And he'll never pay back your $12. But I'm glad that JCM is bringing his A game even to B and C movies. Now if he could only bring it to A movies...