Thursday, September 21, 2006

Kidnapped: Nope, no idiots here... except for the feds, of course

Twenty minutes of Kidnapped was enough to convince me that this is a good show. We get the brazen daylight kidnapping of teenager Leopold (he refuses to be called "Leo" because he thinks it's an old man's name, to which I say: Leopold?). We get to meet the mastermind behind the kidnapping, who likes to do his Cooler King impression. We meet Latimer King, an FBI agent in his last week on the job, and Knapp, a freelancer who specializes in bringing home kidnap victims, as he's rescuing the daughter of another client.

On paper, it sounds like everything you've seen before - the law enforcement officer dragged out of retirement for one last job, the rogue agent locking horns with the feds (who, of course, screw everything up) - but it works. Mostly because everyone is smart. King and Knapp are smart, the Cooler King is smart (he eliminates his minions as soon as he's done with them), and, best of all, Leopold is smart. He steals a plastic knife, hides his meds, and can hold his breath a long time underwater - which I assume will pay off later. He's no Kim, is what I'm saying. I want to see what's going to happen with him.


Anonymous said...

Theres a lion at the zoo named Leonard. A major donor got the honor of naming him a couple years ago when the lion and his sister were rescued from a ranch in texas as cubs (an awful, sick, sick story) and brought to the zoo. The donor named him Leonard after, like, his father or something, but was adamant, ADAMANT!!!!, that the lion not be called "Leo." He was like, "Every zoo in the world has a lion named leo!!! Its so tacky!!"

Uhh, then dont name our lion leonard, idiot.

Lori said...

So of course you call the lion Leo when that guy isn't around, right? I mean, there's no way you can stop the kids from doing it.